Lead capture Chatbot | Customer service Chatbot

Your customer has a question? Your chatbot answers. He wants to talk to book a meeting. It’s done all through your personal chatbot.

Short Description

A very customizable lead capture chatbot, specified to your profession’s legal requirements.

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A chatbot which can be configured for every requirement of the specific profession. For example, if a lawyer isn’t allowed to give advice via a chatbot due to liability reasons. The chatbot can be configured in a way that only spits out the specified answers. While still feeling organic. It’s also GDPR compliant.

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Johannes Lochner is a successful multiple times entrepreneur. He can bring anything to live as he has shown multiple times with LochnerMedia, Hall of Learning, afterdeals.

Why did he list it here?

He wants to know if people are interested in this product and to what price. If enough people are interested, he will bring it to life himself.

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